Registry Must Have's


I’ve updated this list to include all of our registry must-haves, after having used them and figuring out what we liked/didn’t like! We learned along the way that some items were not necessary or that they didn’t work well, so everything below is what we have tried, loved, and would recommend to others.

In terms of where we’re registered, we chose BabyList because it’s an easy way to link items from any site. Instead of needing multiple registries, it pulls your favorite products into one easy-to-use website. It also shows multiple places to buy the product, and where to get it the cheapest (ex: Target, BabyList, Amazon, BuyBuyBaby, etc). Not to mention, you can add items from local shops such as Etsy.


  • Travel Stroller: Doona. We originally got the Uppa Baby AND the Doona, and if we could do it again, we would just have done the Doona. It is the only stroller out there that doubles as a car seat without any additional pieces necessary. It easily collapses from stroller into car seat, and is FAA approved, making it ideal for travel. You can even purchase an extra seat on the plane and have the Doona on that seat (or you can put it overhead or check at the gate). While it is definitely smaller than normal strollers and doesn’t have storage space, I still think the pros outweigh the cons here.

  • Portable white noise machine

  • Copper Pearl Stroller cover. It also works as a shopping cart cover, nursing cover, or high chair cover. This one is super soft and stretchy and comes in a ton of colors/patterns.

  • Car Mirror

  • Skip Hop Diaper Bag or this adorable crossbody diaper bag: I love the skip hop option for when we're going to be out of the house most of the day and need to fit a lot (diapers, wipes, bottles, spare outfit, toys, pacis, etc)…the crossbody is perfect for quick outtings where you just need the essentials (diaper, wipes, bottle) but still want to be hands-free!

  • Baby Bjorn Carrier : Good structured carrier for when the baby gets bigger/heavier

  • Boppy carrier : This was one we purchased later on, after not liking our original newborn carrier (the K’tan). The Boppy one is provides such great support for newborns through infants, fits comfortably on myself and my husband, and can be put on with one hand (necessary when you’re alone with a crying baby).

  • Portable Stroller Fan : Great for a hot day…even brought it with us to the hospital for when I was in labor.

  • Soft Blanket: I know these are expensive, but they are so worth it! We wrapped Ryan in this immediately in the hospital, used it as a swaddle at night, and bring it with us every time we use the car seat/stroller. It is SO SO soft. I also found an amazing dupe here!


  • Crib: We went with the Sloan Acrylic Convertible Crib from PotteryBarn. We love the chic look, the safety features, and that it can be converted into a bed as the child grows. I found two similar (and more affordable) ones on Wayfair: here and here

  • Newton mattress: This mattress is completely breathable, washable, and recyclable. Breathability was the selling point for us… when your baby rolls over, they can still breathe through it without a problem. It’s also one of the only mattresses out there that is completely washable, meaning you can clean the cover and the core. We got these breathable muslin sheets to go on top.

  • Halo Bassinet: For the first few months, before Ryan started sleeping in her crib, we used this bassinet in our room. I like that the sides are retractable and that it swivels for easy access to the baby. We got this mattress pad and these sheets for on top. I will note, though, that the Halo is quite bulky, and can take up a good amount of space.

  • Pack N Play: This 3-in-1 Play N Play has a newborn bassinet, a changing table, and an infant playard for when they get bigger. We put it downstairs in the living room at first so we could use the bassinet and changing table without having to go upstairs. It’s also a 1-step setup (you literally just pull a tab), so it’s easy to travel with and move from space to space. We’ve since brought it with us on overnight trips.

  • Slumber pod: This is a MUST. We tried traveling with Ryan without this at first, and just used blackout shades. It was a fail. After nights of her screaming nonstop and waking up every hour, we finally caved and got the slumber pod. It goes around her crib or pack and play and completely blocks out all light, so we can be in the same room with lights on and it will be totally dark for her. Since using this, she has continued her normal 12 hour stretches of sleep while we are out of town, and naps great in it as well.

  • Swaddle Box : This box comes with 4 of the most popular swaddles to try out. Babies definitely have a preference on swaddles, and it’s best to try a few out before ordering multiples of any brand. This box includes newborn versions of the most popular brands: Halo, Love to Dream, Sleepea, and Aden and Anais. Three of these are zipper/velcro, and one is an old fashioned blanket swaddle, so you can see what you/the baby prefer!

  • Merlin suit for 3-6 months: This was perfect for transitioning Ryan from her swaddle (where her arms are contained) to sleep sacks. Once babies begin showing signs of rolling, they can no longer be in swaddles, and the transition for them can be a lot if they still have a strong moro reflex (accidentally swatting their face in their sleep). The Merlin suit has enough structure to keep their arms still, but also lets them move or roll themselves back over if needed.

  • Kyte Baby Sleep Sack : These are so soft. We have two and alternate between them each night.

  • Double Zipper Onesies and Magnetic Me PJs with mitten cuffs: Ok, if you get nothing else from this list, get the magnetic me pjs for newborns and 0-3 months. They are a godsend when changing diapers in the middle of the night, because you don’t have to fumble with zippers or buttons…they automatically close shut. They do run large, so size newborn and 0-3 month should last you a while! My other tip for all preggos is to get your baby a few “under 7 lb” onesies from Old Navy. Why? Babies that are under 8 lbs often don’t fit in newborn clothing yet, and the Old Navy ones are cheap enough that it’s not a big deal if your baby does end up being larger and not needing them. Ryan ended up only fitting in these for the first 3 weeks. The onesies with double zippers and built-in mittens are game changers, because they make for easy diaper changes (especially if there is a poop blow out) and the mittens keep them from scratching their face.

  • Hatch Sound Machine and Night Light : You can control the sound, volume, and light from an app on your phone

  • Vava Baby Monitor


  • Spectra Pump: I used Aeroflow’s website to learn which breast pumps I qualified for through insurance, and ended up picking the Spectra Pump.

  • Haaka Catch or the Elvie Curve: Catches milk letdown while breastfeeding from the opposite breast.

  • Bottle Box: Similar to the swaddles, babies will have a preference on bottles, as well. This box lets your baby try out some of the most popular brands, so you can see what they like best before committing to a brand.

  • Bottle Sterilizer and Dryer : Works much faster than a normal dishwasher and easily sterilizes bottles, pump parts, pacifiers, etc. We chose this one over the Brezza sterilizer because it has a larger capacity to fit more pieces, but it is bulkier, so if counter space is an issue, you may want to go with the Brezza.

  • My Brest Friend: I preferred this to the boppy pillow because it provided much more support when getting Ryan to latch and was more comfortable for my back.

  • Drying Rack

  • Muslin Burp Cloths : Get these in bulk and put them all over the house!

  • Silicone Catch-all Bibs

  • Milk Storage Bags

  • Inglesina High Chair: This chair secures onto a counter or table, making it easy to travel with, good for restaurants, and less bulky than a normal high chair. They are also super easy to clean, since you can take the cover off and throw it into the wash.

Bath Time:

  • Flower sponge : This was perfect for Ryan’s newborn days, since it fit perfectly in the sink and gave her plenty of cushion. We then transitioned to the skiphop tub, and ended up not liking it. It’s very difficult to clean the mesh lining, and it ends up getting mildewy. If I could do it again, I’d get this angelcare tub because there’s no mesh lining and it provides good support.


Health and Safety:

  • Humidifier : Great for when they have stuffy noses

  • Electric Nail Trimmer : GET THIS THING. It makes trimming their nails stress-free, because it is impossible to cut their skin with.

  • Snot sucker : Did not think I’d ever suck the snot out of my child’s nose, but here we are. This thing works much better than the electric ones in my opinion. There’s a filter to keep the snot from getting anywhere near your mouth.

  • Thermometer

  • Medicine Dispenser with Pacifier : Great way to get medicine in her mouth easily!

  • Vapor Wipes : These have aloe and other cooling/healing properties to them, which keeps their skin from getting irritated when you wipe their nose

  • Gas Relief Drops

  • Saline Spray : Good to use this before sucking their snot out if they are congested

  • Gripe Water : The best for getting rid of hiccups!

Loungers and Activity Mats:

  • SnuggleMe Organic: This or the dockatot (both very similar) are great for putting your baby down when you need your hands free for a bit. Note: It’s recommended that they are monitored when sleeping in these, and shouldn’t be left unattended or put in the crib.

  • Baby Bjorn Bouncer : Ryan LOVED this thing for the first 4 months. We would put her in this for long stretches when we were working or needing our hands free, and would bounce her gently with our foot.

  • Tummy Time Play Mat : This is great cushioning to provide support when they are practicing tummy time or on their backs. It also comes with a mini cloud pillow to support their heads.

  • Activity Mat: Although this has less cushion than the play mat above, it’s amazing for when your baby gets a bit older. They interact with it by kicking the buttons to play music, playing with the hanging rattles, etc. Ryan LOVED this thing (and we loved the “purple monkey in a bubble gum tree” song).

  • Fisher Price Swing


  • Pacifier Box: Not exactly a toy, but not sure what category pacifiers fall in! I love that this sample box lets your baby try the most popular brands so you can see what they prefer before buying in bulk! We also got these pacifier clips

  • Book Starter Kit

  • Singing Cactus: Had to add this to the list!!! It has been Ryan’s favorite toy and easiest way to get her laughing. It sings, dances, and mimics you.

  • Teething Toys: Here are a few of Ryan’s favorites! This giraffe is one of the most popular baby toys…they love chewing on it. This rattle provided tons of entertainment for Ryan and had many textures for her to gnaw on. Right before her teeth starting coming in, she loved sucking on this toy to soothe her gums. Last one is the teething ring, which gets super cold in the fridge and is a great texture for them to bite on.

  • Jolly Jumper: Ryan’s absolute favorite thing to do from about 4-7 months old


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